Saturday, 2 June 2012

find your cares in the watch them disappear.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of witnessing a transformation, not some kind of inspirational obscurity that could be printed on a lulu lemon water bottle but something real. Something I'm sure many people could relate to in this day and age.

 Yesterday we hosted a day group from a local school, nothing big, 24 students grade 7, living in the sea to sky corridor, these kids have the universe at the toe tips. Unfortunately they've found popularity in being what society designs: old, "mature" and full of drama. feeding a facade that they are scared to peer out from. Jeans, hoodies, Keds and a psyche of cleanliness over being what they innately are...a child.

Yesterday I saw 24 students transform from staring disgustedly at the ground when asked to sit, to laughing dancing and jumping from puddle to puddle, soaked in a the torrential downpour of a realisation lost to a progressive world.

Yesterday 24 humans became who they want to be, who they are...they travelled through isolation difficulty and silence to a place where they could sing their sorrowful song and dance their sorrowful dance but in that song and in that dance they experienced the most ancient rites of being human...being a child.

Today 24 children must fight to stay that way, the mask has been broken; society please stop repairing it.

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