Tuesday 24 January 2012

THe hands move the heart around the page...

Today I went for a long walk in the rain, is anything more joyful then feeling the wind on your face and in your hair as the rain splashes around your ankles with every step? After no thought at all, I realised that it is the pure unexpectedness of it. We're live outlives planned and categorised, with very little margin for the unexpected, as for many people; the unknown goes a hand in hand with fear.

Give us rain when we expect sun; give us music when we expect trouble; give us tears when we expect breakfast;give us dreams when we expect a storm; give us a stray dog when we expect congratulations; let our lives unravel us, turn us sideways and around.

Now I'm sitting in vintage, typing away. Rise up by Eddie Vedder is playing through my head. I've been spending the last 2 hours drawing whatever my hands want, the coast of my heart has fallen into the ocean of myself and my hands are looking for this atlantis; a continent rising with the stroke of my pencil out of the page.

The simple things in life really bring me joy; I have made some of the greatest friends and am truly content with what I have; a toothy grin and a cobble stone road winding down called memory lane. Although dwelling on the past is difficult when I'm being here and now is perfect.

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